Indian Valley Parent Teacher Organization (IV PTO)
Welcomes You to the 2024-25 school year

Mark Your Calendars…Upcoming PTO Events:  


Nov 7 : 3rd PTO Meeting Minutes 

Dec 5 : 4th PTO Meeting : Online ONLY



 Save the Dates: Click here for a calendar of PTO events this year.


For more info, contact us at


Online Registration

Please create and/or update your account by clicking "Register/Login" below.


You can also indicate interest in volunteer opportunities and make a donation to the IV PTO to support supplies for the classrooms, diversity and equity awareness events, and field trips, and more!


Get started by clicking on the button below:


 Register or Login

Click here for instructions on creating an account.


A Few Notes:

  • All donations are optional and not required. We appreciate your consideration of supporting our school’s two main fundraising partners – the IV PTO and WCEF.
  • Creating/updating an account in Membership Toolkit is free of charge.

About Us:

The IV Parent Teacher Organization fundraises for critical academic needs and builds a stronger, more inclusive school community.


Since 1988, the IV PTO has worked to ensure every student has what they need to succeed and has led community-building activities for students, families and staff. We work together with the Walnut Creek Education Foundation (WCEF) to bridge the gap between federal and state funding and the actual cost of high-quality, well-rounded education.


At Indian Valley, every family member and staff in our school community are PTO members - there's no membership fee and we encourage everyone to attend, vote, and have a say in PTO meetings. 


To get involved or learn more, contact us at


Our Districtwide Partner: WCEF

Since 1983, Indian Valley and our seven Walnut Creek public schools have relied on parent donations to the Walnut Creek Education Foundation TK-12 (WCEF) to ensure the education your child receives goes beyond what the state funds. Sadly, state funding does not cover the cost of art, music, science, library, and much more. 


It’s up to us. And it won’t happen without your support. 


Support your child’s education at




News From Our Principal: 

Click here to read the Welcome Letter from Principal Corritone

Click here to review the Student / Family Handbook


To learn more about WCEF, visit or email


WCEF TK-12 is a non-profit 501(c)(3) federal tax ID #94-2915151.